The goal of the United Way Career Camps is to educate students in grades 6th – 10th on the economic ecosystems that exist in Venango County. Each week will feature a different career cluster: Agriculture, Transportation, and Tourism/Hospitality. During the business tours, students will observe the multitude of jobs that occur in a workplace. It is important students see that each career cluster includes many positions, including maintenance, accounting, and human resources.

The camps are designed to be interactive experiences, with the hope that students will learn new information about local businesses and careers, and also be exposed to the soft skills necessary for them to be successful in their professional lives.

The camps are offered at no cost. They will be held at the Clarion-Venango Campus, and students may participate in as few or as many camps as they would like.

Registration opens May 1st, 2024, and all documents must be completed and submitted 2 weeks before each camp starts.

Please reach out to Jennifer at with any questions or concerns.

Summer Career Camps 2024