imagination library logoThe United Way of Venango County has brought this wonderful program to Venango and Forest Counties. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is designed to instill the love of reading in children at an early age, creating a more productive environment for early childhood literacy in our communities.

This program is available to children ages birth to five years of age. Each child will receive a free book in the mail every month, which the parent should read to the child.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library started with a few dozen books, growing to nearly 40,000,000 mailed to children in the United States. Currently, over 1600 local communities provide the Imagination Library to nearly 700,000 children each and every month. Statistics and independent reports have shown drastic improvement in early education literacy for children enrolled in the program.

Contact the United Way of Venango County at (814) 676-6545 to donate.

Parents and legal guardians can register their children under 5 years of age by using the online registration tool below. Sign up your child now! See the button below.


Sponsor a child or donate to the Imagination Library!


Ms. Courtney Cox

PNC Charitable Trusts

County of Venango