What is The Youth Enrichment Program?
The purpose of the Youth Enrichment Program is to provide the opportunity for youth in Venango County’s four school districts; Oil City, Franklin, Cranberry, & Valley Grove; to participate in school-sanctioned activities (athletics, band, & graduation) by providing assistance to help cover the cost of participating.
Working with pre-approved vendors the United Way’s Youth Enrichment Program would pay a set amount for equipment/necessary items used to participate in school events.
• Provides assistance to help cover the cost of participating in approved school activities (athletics, band, & graduation)
• Available to students in Cranberry, Franklin, Oil City & Valley Grove School Districts
• The Your Enrichment Program is brought to you by the United Way of Venango County and made possible by a generous grant from PNC Charitable Trust
How Does the Program Work?
The program will work with preapproved vendors & use preapproved accounts to secure the items necessary to participate. Items must be purchased through the preapproved entities if possible. If the covered cost being requested is for items not available from preapproved entities (physicals, activity fees, etc.), payment will be made directly to provider/vender, with proper documentation.
Who Can Use the Program?
The Youth Enrichment Program will assist families at or below the current ALICE income guidelines. Those interested in participating must complete an application & provide income documentation.
How to Apply?
To begin the application process, parents must call 211. Coaches & other school officials that have a student in need may contact the United Way directly at liveunited@uwvenango.org or 814-676-6545 to begin the application process for that student.
Parents, call 211 to start the application process.