UWVC strongly believes that education is one of the fundamental building blocks to support lifelong stability throughout all stages of an individual’s life. Through our early education programs, we have been striving to provide equal opportunity to youth in our area. Our community impact programs’ educational goal is to prepare children, youth, and young adults with an opportunity to succeed in school and life.
The United Way of Venango County launched a pilot program in 2019 to put a Career Counselor in Cranberry, Forest, and North Clarion School Districts. As we have watched this program grow over the last three years, we have seen results that truly make us proud.
UWVC expanded the program again in 2021/2022 into Oil City and Valley Grove School Districts. This program helps facilitate the transition of students from school to the community by implementing the person-centered planning process in support of students’ job and adult placement. Under the supervision of the building Principals and in cooperation with the school counselors, the Career Counselor coordinates career readiness and awareness activities within a team comprised of the student, parent/guardian, educators, and service providers to ensure that career exploration activities and services are addressed and implemented for each student in grades 7-12.
Last year our Career Counselor worked and served our school districts by impacting 1,722 students throughout the spring/fall school year in 2021.
Moving forward, United Way will have two Career Counselors working in the following school districts:
- Allegheny-Clarion Valley Area School District
- Forest Area School District
- Franklin Area School District
- North Clarion Area School District
- Oil City Area School District
- Titusville Area School District
Contact Jennifer Taylor at jennifer@uwvenango.org for more information.