Reno/Venango County, Pa – On August 23rd, 2021 United Way of Venango County, in partnership with local salons, held their Back to School – Hair Affair. During this event, 121 school-age children were provided with free haircuts, school supplies, and hygienic supplies.
This year, unlike previous years, the event was held at individual salons throughout Venango County. The participating salons included Clark’s Clippers, Designing Concepts, Razors Edge, and Sutch’s Beauty Salon. During the event, 10 stylists donated their time and skills to provide Venango County students with haircuts to help prepare them for the upcoming school year.
The backpacks and school supplies were generously donated by Bill Baker. Hygienic hair supplies were donated by Oil City Vineyard Church; and other donations were received for students and for the stylists from Central Electric, Community Services of Venango County, Galaxy Federal Credit Union, Drug Alcohol, Jennifer Mays – Farmers Insurance, and Michael Dill – State Farm.
“Children were jumping out of their chairs with a new visible sense of confidence,” said Will Price, United Way Executive Director. “The stylists were really taking their time to make the full experience special for each individual child.” Traci Guthrie, Owner of Designing Concepts who has been involved since the start of the program added, “I look forward to this event every year. There’s something about seeing how grateful the children are that makes it so rewarding.”
United Way would like to thank everyone in the community that made this event possible. This is an event where a wide spectrum of individuals and businesses come together to help our local youth. It is an incredible event, and we cannot thank everyone enough.